
Nick McRae is a poet and United Methodist pastor. He is the author of The Name Museum (C&R Press, 2014)—winner of the De Novo Poetry Prize—and Mountain Redemption (Black Lawrence Press, 2013), which won the Fall 2011 Black River chapbook competition. He is the editor of the anthology Gathered: Contemporary Quaker Poets (Sundress Publications, 2013). His poems, essays, and translations appear in Cincinnati Review, Measure, The Southern Review, and elsewhere. Nick has been a Fulbright fellow in the Slovak Republic, where he taught English and American literature, a member of the Sewanee Writers' Conference staff, a University Fellow at The Ohio State University, where he earned his M.F.A. in creative writing, and a Robert B. Toulouse Fellow at the University of North Texas, where he earned his Ph.D. in English. He is currently a Master of Divinity student at Southern Methodist University's Perkins School of Theology in Dallas. Born in Chattanooga, Tennessee, and raised in the Northwest Georgia foothills, Nick lives in Richardson, Texas, with his wife Annie.
Click here for more information about Nick's books.
E-mail: nmcrae1 [at] gmail [dot] com